Wednesday, June 10, 2015

If I shall die before I wake....should I worry?

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep,
If I shall die before I wake,
I pray the Lord my soul to take,

I'm sure all of us have heard of this children's prayer at some point in their life.  This morning Julie and I were talking about life and how hard we work to save for our future.  Her beautiful cousin Sheri died from a brain aneurysm six months ago.  She was fifty! We are fifty two!! She was an avid cardio kick boxer, ate right and in great shape.  It was an unexpected brain bleed that came out of nowhere. It could happen to any of us.  Julie always mentions how Sheri worked so very hard for her retirement (which never came.)  When she died all her saved money went to a much younger person who did not work for this.  I 'm not saying he doesn't deserve this money, I'm just saying what a shame that she worked so hard for it and wasn't able to benefit fully from it.  Now she had a good life and did spend some if not most of the money she earned, but life is not much different than a Las Vegas dice table.  You never know when you're going to crap out!
   Now I'm not saying I'm dying or am going to die tomorrow, but what if I do?  Would all the worry I have had about money, retirement, patients, employees, legal fees be worth anything?  Are they worth anything now? Julie and I discuss our worries and then we usually bring up Sheri as a reference. Do you think Sheri ever had worries about family, neighbors, money or marriage?  She doesn't worry now!
   You can ask my mom about what kind of a boy was I.  She would tell you, "He's a worrier."  I feel like Woody Allen's childhood character in "Annie Hall."  His mother says he depressed because of something he read.  He states that the universe is expanding and eventually it will break apart and everything will be destroyed.  Rarely do I worry about such large picture problems, but I sure worry about everything else in my life (mostly stuff that I don't have control over -because if I can change something I will work hard to fix that problem.)  All this worry and nothing to show for it.  What does worry accomplish? I think some worry is good, it keeps us from doing something crazy like sky diving with a handkerchief, but most of my worries really don't accomplish much more than a lack of sleep and appetite.
  If I could talk to Sheri now and explain to her all of my worries and problems I wonder what she might tell me?  She would probably say, "Don't worry about it!"

1 comment:

  1. My Dad had a small weathered newspaper clipping taped to the base of the lamp on his desk. It said, "Worry is a lack of faith". I think that sometimes we can only do so much and the rest we hope falls into place. We can only do what we do, especially if we have put our best foot forward to get there. When raising my girls, I KNOW I made mistakes and was not perfect in many decisions or reactions I made or had. But looking back, I find comfort in knowing that my decision was made with my daughter's best interest in mind. It's a blind kind of faith. I think looking to our future, doing the best we can is really all we can do and then we need to let it go........ XoXo
